TCMS Daily Announcements
Lunch: PB&J, can of chicken noodle soup, carrots and dip, and fruit. Please call the school by 10 am to place your order for a Noon pickup! Please pull to the front of the building to pick up food.
Students please check your classes in Teams for assignments. Teachers are available between
Good luck to our students that are competing in the spelling bee tonight at 6 pm. Depending upon the number of competitors we will hold the competition in the library or the auditorium. If weather takes a turn for the worse, we will make an announcement before anyone gets on the road to come to the school.
Athletes, please be in contact with your coaches as to practice times, etc.
This is a reminder that we are back under a mask mandate! Because of this no student should be eating in the classrooms.
Teachers (reminders and upcoming events):
Take attendance every period and check updated quarantine list daily!!!
1/19 6 pm Spelling Bee (auditorium or library)
1/20 Bball vs Elkins (6 pm, boys at home and girls away)
1/21 Wrestling at East Fairmont
Remember to make it a good day or not, the choice is yours. Go Knights!

Because we are having a NTID day tomorrow and it is NOT a snow day, we are going to have the spelling bee as scheduled tomorrow at 6pm in the auditorium.

Taylor County Schools will be operating as an NTID day tomorrow, January 19. Students are to work on teacher assigned activities on their iPads and read an article or book of their choosing. School level staff are to report on a two hour delay. Lunch will be available for takeout. To place an order, call your child’s school no later than 10 AM for a noon pick up.

Taylor County Schools wants to alert families to the following calendar changes.
January 31, 2022 is now a Professional Learning Day Students DO NOT report
February 21, 2022 is now an Early Release

The Taylor County Board of Educations special meeting scheduled for tomorrow, January 18, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. is cancelled. Consideration for rescheduling will be discussed at the regular meeting January 25, 2022.

Taylor County Schools will be closed Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Due to the winter storm we are expecting this weekend we will be moving the Noble Knights parent breakfast to the 25th at 8:15. This breakfast is for those students who have been selected as a Noble Knight the second nine weeks.

PreK Registration/Enrollment Information

Vaccine Information for Children ages 5-17

Upcoming Vaccine Clinic Information

Taylor County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow, January 10, 2022.

The updated TCMS Spelling Bee dates are as follows:
January 19th at 6 pm in the auditorium
January 21st make-up day
Hopefully there are no more changes due to weather and such. Go Knights!

Taylor County Schools will be closed January 7, 2022 due to inclement weather.

WVDE releases new protocols for COVID-19. Please see the news section for complete details.

Taylor County Schools dismissing two hours early today January 6, 2022.

The after-school program is canceled for tomorrow, Thursday Jan 6th due to weather that is expected to impact the area in the afternoon. This is not a cancelation of school, just the after-school program.

Friendly reminder to charge your iPad tonight to prepare for your first day back tomorrow.

Taylor County Schools has posted updated information for return to school tomorrow, January 3, 2022. See the news section for the full update and note we are returning masked with new quarantine guidance.

Here are the latest projects coming out of the art room. Fresh from the kiln, we have 5th grade Clay Initials, 8th grade Coil Bowls and 6th grade Clay Cupcakes.

Here are the latest projects coming out of the art room. We have 6th grade Knight Drawings, studying proportions. Then, 7th grade One- point Perspective Collages and 5th Grade Nutcrackers. Also, 7th grade Māori inspired Self- portraits, 8th grade Illuminated Letters and 6th grade Winter Birch Paintings, all hanging in the hallways.