TCMS Menu Change 11/19 - we will be having steak and cheese wraps today instead of cheeseburgers.
about 3 years ago, Scott Hage
TCMS Make-Up Picture Day - today is make-up picture day at TCMS. If you missed our Fall picture day or want your picture retaken, please come dressed for success today. Pictures will be this morning. If you are having pictures retaken, please bring your original package.
about 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Thank you to the Rotary Club and Mr. Westfall and Mr. Cartwright for treating our 5th and 6th grade homeroom winners to breakfast in this year's Penny Wars. Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Reed's homerooms raised the most money to help eradicate polio in those grades, respectively. The 7th and 8th grade winners will have their breakfast Thursday!
about 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Make-up picture day is Friday morning, November 19. If your student was not present during our Fall picture day, please have them dress accordingly for their picture on Friday. If you want to have their pictures retaken, please have them bring their unwanted portraits with them on Friday so Lifetouch can provide the same package your family previously purchased.
about 3 years ago, Scott Hage
This week Mrs. Lipscomb's classes learned a little about Veterans Day and why it's just not a day off from school. This classroom is supporting wounded warriors and their families through a new Veterans Day education and fundraising campaign – Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) Honor Their Courage! They've set a fundraising goal for their classroom and as Veterans Day is currently on our minds, they're learning about the history, sacrifices, and realities of service members. Every dollar raised transforms the lives of America’s injured veterans and helps provide lifesaving programs and services that empower wounded warriors as they take on their next mission in life. Join this class today and donate by clicking the link below. Thank you for supporting this classroom, and more importantly, for supporting lifesaving programs for wounded warriors and their families.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Happy Veteran's Day! Please take a moment to reflect upon the sacrifice of our men and women throughout the history of this great country. A special thank you to the American Legion for visiting with TCMS students and explaining some of the history and meaning of our flag.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
American Legion Flag Ceremony
POW MIA Display
Flag Folding Ceremony
American Legion Flag Display
Here are the scheduled 2 Hour Early Release dates for the 2021-22 school year. November 15, 2021 January 31, 2022 March 2, 2022 May 6, 2022 You can also find this and other important dates by downloading the TCS App.
over 3 years ago, TCS News
Early Release dates
Wrestling practice begins today for TCMS. Practice will be at the school at 3:30 till 5:30. Coach Efaw is going to have a quick parent meeting right after so parents please plan on staying for a few minutes when you pick your athlete up at 5:30. Go Knights!
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Taylor County Board of Education member John Taylor shows off his telescope skills and his knowledge of the sun and sunspots to our 5th grade students!
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
John Board shows Mrs. Morgan's class how to operate a telescope.
Mrs. Morgan's class lines up to view sun spots!
The Grafton Taylor Health Department has volunteered to conduct vaccine clinics in our schools for students ages 5-11. Below is a link for parents to complete that want their student to be vaccinated. The deadline to complete the survey is Wednesday, November 10, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Reminder: No school for students on Wednesday, Nov. 10th - Parent/Teacher Conferences
over 3 years ago, TCS News
Taylor County remains red on the WVDHHR map today, November 7, 2021. Taylor County Schools will remain masked in all facilities and on our buses for the next 14 days .
over 3 years ago, Christy Miller
Taylor County Schools
What a special day for TCMS as counselor Jerry Dooley brought in a variety of industry and outside agencies to share with kids career opportunities they may wish to pursue. A special thank you to him and all our presenters today.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
United Technical Center (UTC) shares with TCMS students career pathways they can follow at UTC.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Ray Frazier from UTC speaks to TMCS students.
WVU Extension Services
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
John Murray with the WVU Extension Office speaks to TCMS Students.
WV Army National Guard
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
SSG Crane with the WV Army National Guard speak to TCMS students.
WV Department of Environmental Protection
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Travis Hays from the WV DEP speaks to TCMS students.
Tygart Lake State Park
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Ranger Jacob Jackson speaks to TCMS students about Tygart Lake State Park
Organ Transport
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Dan McGuffy discusses his job as a pilot to transport organs.
WVAQ visited TCMS and played some lunch time music for us!
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Jason Knight (no relation) discussed his industry with some TCMS Knights.