Reminder: September 17th is now a two hour early release for all students. Staff will be looking at data to guide planning for learning.
over 3 years ago, Christy Miller
Taylor County Schools
Students in the STEM lab using index cards and tape to create a structure that would hold weight.
over 3 years ago, Melissa Carr
6th grade
7th grade
In just under 2 hours Coach Beltner invites everyone to come out to support the Knights football team as they face off against Philippi at home. It is a Tie Dye Knight, so wear tie dye to support the team! Kickoff is at 7 pm.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Charts now posted for contact tracing and quarantine guidelines as shared from the WVDE.
over 3 years ago, Christy Miller
Changes to contact tracing and quarantines are posted in the latest news article. Please read as they will begin tomorrow September 7, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Christy Miller
Coach Beltner wanted to remind everyone that at 7 pm we are having a "black out" as the Knights face and crush Mountaineer Middle School. Come out and support the Knights in the home opener at 7 pm. This is a reminder that students get in free to all events in Taylor Co.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Parent pickup update: Please approach the school from the Toothman Ford side and not the Dollar General side when coming to pick up your student. We are asking this to help with bus traffic. Also, our last bus picks up at 4 pm which means we have teachers monitoring students until 4 pm. Our "line" of parents for pickup is done at 3:30, so if you targeted 3:30 as your arrival time you would not have to wait in line at all. Just a suggestion to make your day smoother.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
TCMS 5th grade and new (to band) parents. The 5 pm band instrument fitting is still on for 5 pm this evening. The rain has died down and the hilltop is safe. See everyone at 5 pm.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
ATTENTION ALL 5TH GRADE STUDENTS AND PARENTS: If you are interested in band, you need to bring your permission slips in today. They may be given to your homeroom teacher or Mr. Chiado. We will also be having our instrument play-fitting today (Wednesday evening) between the hours of 5pm-7pm in the TCMS band room. The students will be able to test different instruments out and the parents will have the opportunity to rent an instrument that evening. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the band office.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Welcome Back! Monday, August 30th is our first day back and we welcome all staff, students and visitors as we begin "Our Best Year!" Please read the important news article posted about beginning the year with masks due to Taylor County being red on the WVDHHR map.
over 3 years ago, Christy Miller
Taylor County Schools
Parents, as we enjoy this last day without the stress of school on the other end of a wake-up I want to give you a snapshot of Monday. Like all "first days of school" we will be guiding the students every step of the way as they get paperwork, their lockers, and learn their classes and the school routine. Everything is scripted on this first day and we know they don't "know" what to do yet. We are even ready for day two, three, etc.! A couple of things to remind you of: Drop off and pick up are at the back of the building. Student will NOT be sent out the front of the building at the end of the day. 7:00 am is the earliest drop-off and 3:06 is when student will begin exiting the back of the building to parent's vehicles. Breakfast and bus-duty teachers will accept students in the cafeteria in the morning and then direct them where and when they need to go to eat or wait to be dismissed to first period. First period begins at 7:55. That means they need dropped off no later than 7:45 am to ensure they are not tardy. This week is going to be exciting, awesome, a little scary, and wonderful all rolled in to one. We can't wait to get everyone back in to school! Go Knights!
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Dear Parents and Guardians, our new pickup procedure will be the exact same procedure as drop off in the morning. Students will be picked up behind the building starting at 3:06 pm. Buses only will use the front. Students will not be sent out the front of the building to be picked up by parents, so if you chose to do parent pickup you will pull in behind the building and loop around and stop until your child comes out to you. There will be plenty of adult supervision to assist with this. On nice days students will be waiting for you to pull up. When the weather is not nice they will be sent out as you pull up. Please follow any direction by school staff.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
There are going to be several notices today to ensure a smooth first day with students. 7th grade Parents and Guardians - This is a reminder that ALL 7th grade student must have their required immunizations before they come to school Monday. There is no grace period as in the past. Parents and Guardians of all Students - All life saving medication that your student needs must be at the school before they can attend. Thank you and Go Knights!
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
UPDATED Bus Schedules are now available. You can find them located on the TCS App under Documents and Transportation or from the TCS Website.
over 3 years ago, TCS News
Bus schedule
TCMS can't wait to meet our 7th and 8th students and parents tomorrow night! Doors will open at 4:45 pm. Tables will be set up with schedules for students to pick up before or after Mr Hage speaks in the gym at 5:10 pm. Go Knights!
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Taylor County Schools will welcome back students on August 30, 2021 with guidelines in place to offer five days of instruction. Check out the news article for further information.
over 3 years ago, Christy Miller
Taylor County Schools
I promised for those not able to make it to post my remarks. I did go a little off-script, but these are the main points I went over with everyone. And yes, I take full responsibility for having a few room numbers wrong! Good evening students, parents, and guardians. My name is Scott Hage and I am the new principal here at TCMS. I put a little out about me on social media when I started on July 1st. That I did my student teaching almost 20 years ago in this very building. That I served in Iraq with many of your family members while in the 363rd MP Co. But the truth is that I stand before you as a father of a student in this school. I share your hopes, your fears, and your expectations for what our schools can and should do for our children. I also am nervous about what that first day will bring. Will my child love her new school? Will she like her teachers? Will she be looked after and cared for and inspired to learn? What will school look like in the days and weeks ahead. I wish, and hope, and have fear about all of these things. And that is what I bring to my leadership of this building, your very own perspective. I am going to share my philosophy of leadership that I told my teachers their first day. Everything is my fault. Things that go wrong in this building are my fault. I know I am setting myself up for failure. I know I am opening myself up to criticism to anyone upset with me. And that is ok. Because I do not want to give them a reason to attack faults in this school. I want to work tirelessly behind the scenes to fix issues before they become obvious to "us" as parents. And yet, I am still setting myself up for failure. Because I will not catch everything, anticipate every issue, foresee every catastrophe. So why would I even try? There are a couple of reasons behind this philosophy and why I do not mind sharing it with you. We model what we expect. I expect my teachers to take ownership of their rooms. That they perhaps adopt my philosophy, that everything that happens in their rooms is their fault. I have to support them, but if they can anticipate an issue in their room and work ahead of time to prevent it, everyone benefits. I want my students to do the same thing. I have operated by the 6 P's since I was in the army. Prior planning prevents piss poor performance. A little crude, but it has prevented me from looking foolish time and time again. Plan ahead, anticipate what you need or issues you might face, and act accordingly. Sometimes, the lesson is in the journey, not the accomplishment. When we were sitting where your child sits today we all wanted to be doctors, lawyers, GI Joe, and rock stars. Sometimes all at the same time! We are supposed to set ambitious goals and work tirelessly towards them. It doesn't mean we will achieve them, but we grow as we pursue. I want to be perfect for your children, they at least deserve that effort. In all the battles and all the wars in human history, how often do we remember and even celebrate the losing side. Almost never. But I would remind you of the 300 Spartan Knights that marched forward, facing impossible odds knowing that they were not going to "win." So, everything that goes wrong in this building is my fault. I state this in front of you today knowing I can't possibly live up to this. But I take up this challenge to do exactly that, anticipate every issue or, failing that, to correct as quickly as possible issues that go against my goal of giving your children the best education possible. My hope is that my sincerity, my effort, and my follow-through are what are remembered about your children's time here at TCMS. So yes, I have asked my teachers to set the example. To lead by example. To demonstrate with their words and their efforts the habits we want your children to copy. We want them to set large goals. We want them to strive for perfection. We want them to hold themselves to high standards. Try your best, be ambitious in your goals, and be sincere in your efforts. This leads me to the final part of my message. The "why" of this philosophy. Why take blame for someone not posting grades in a timely fashion? Why take the blame for a teacher not returning a call? My "why" is simple. It wastes my time. I would rather spend my time fixing the problem and providing support so it doesn't happen again than to investigate and try to find who is responsible for something that I should have anticipated in the first place. Your children are going to learn that we set goals for what we want to accomplish, because striving to achieve your goals improves you as a person. I want to be perfect for your children. I want to anticipate all issues and all problems. My goal is to make their experience the best it can possibly be. Will I be successful, I hope so. Just know that I hold myself to this higher standard, and if I am not 100% know that me and my staff are working as hard as we can to make this a meaningful and positive experience. If you have not already, get your child’s schedule. Visit any of the tables in the commons area to speak with our nurse, counselors, SOS group, Community in Schools liaison, our Family Outreach Facilitator. Word is Todd Bolyard is here to answer or assist transportation questions. So explore the building. Meet the teachers and staff. This building is amazing. It has so much potential and I want you to see and experience all of it. My 6th grade parents, you were robbed of this last year so in many ways, I have two grades of “new” people exploring the building. Be excited, because this is exciting. Good evening and enjoy.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
TCMS can't wait to welcome our 5th and 6th grade parents tonight, Aug 24th. Front and back doors will be open. Mr Hage speaks at 4:10, but his remarks will be posted this evening if you are not able to arrive at the beginning. Doors open at 3:50.
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Info tables in the commons area!
Commons area info tables!
Get info about the band!
TCMS Open House 8/24 Info
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage
3:50 Doors open (Please park safely on the grounds. The front and back doors will be open to enter the building.) 4:10 Welcoming remarks from Mr. Hage (gymnasium) – the speech will be posted on social media for parents not able to attend or be at TCMS at 4:10 4:25 Parents released to explore the building, pick up schedules and info (we will have several information tables set up in the cafeteria) and meet teachers 7:00 Open house concludes *Those not able to attend may call the school to get their schedule but we are prepared on the first day for students that haven’t gotten schedules ahead of time
over 3 years ago, Scott Hage