Update: Parents and guardians this is a reminder of our Open Houses to be held two weeks from now. The 5th and 6th grade Open House will be August 24th from 4 to 7 pm. The 7th and 8th grade Open House will be August 26th from 5 to 7 pm. To help parents avoid conflict with the high school Open House on Tuesday we are opening our building at 4pm. Schedules will be available for pickup on those days for those grades, so come meet your new teachers and tour the building!
over 3 years ago, TCS News
Reminder for Band Camp
over 3 years ago, TCS News
band camp
Check out the United Technical Center Open House August 17th & 18th Noon - 7 pm Open to all middle & high school students & parents Explore Available Career Opportunities
over 3 years ago, TCS News
UTC Open House
Band Camp Check List: -Comfortable athletic clothing -ATHLETIC shoes -Sunscreen (cream base layer and spray if like spray) -Hat/Visor -Pencil -Gallon insulated water jug or water bottle -Inhaler (must have at camp if you have asthma) -Epi pen (must have at camp if you have a prescription) -Prescription meds (will stay with the nurse) -Instrument/ equipment -Music -Metronome/tuner apps (downloaded) -Sunglasses Do NOT BRING : Anything prohibited by Taylor County School Policy and or State & Federal laws. Additionally, NO ENERGY DRINKS are allowed as they can lead to dehydration and heart problems. Camp is closed to the public unless you are a parent chaperone for the day. Do not plan to invite visitors/friends to the camp. There has been no new policy regarding masks at school since the mandate was lifted earlier this summer. We will be playing without masks and bell covers. If you feel that you would like to wear a mask or use a bell cover while in the building you may do so. I will have plenty of players masks available if you would like one.
over 3 years ago, TCS News
band camp
TCMS is pleased to announce we are having an in-person Open House for 5th and 6th grades on Tuesday August 24th from 5 to 7 pm. Separately, we are having an in-person Open House for 7th and 8th grades on Thursday August 26th from 5 to 7 pm. We are still working on details such as a welcome from the new principal and whether we will give schedules at the open house or on the first day, but your school family wanted you to know ahead of time to add it to your calendar! Have a great rest of your summer!
over 3 years ago, TCS News
Virtual School Interest Survey Please complete the survey below to indicate your interest for grades 6-12 of WV Virtual School as an option for the coming school year. You will need to submit a survey for each child in your home. https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=S7AZ4AwzekaLrgn7FzdNajAJUWtdq9tCpGR_H5KePSlUM0hUOEtLMkZZM0VONEoxSjNUTlRLSkVMMi4u
over 3 years ago, TCS News
student at desk
We’re thrilled to announce the new app for Taylor County Schools! Access documents, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/3wWqoyb or i Phone: https://apple.co/3Bl62lO.
over 3 years ago, TCS News
Play store
App Store
TCMS "Beautification Day" Members of the Board of Education, central office, and TCMS Staff work together to brighten up the school property. Making the outside match the positive, fresh energy flowing throughout the inside of TCMS. We can't wait to share it with our students as the new school year begins on Aug 30!
over 3 years ago, Amy Vandergrift
BOE members & TCMS Staff Working
BOE members & TCMS Staff Working
Starting date for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year for students grades 1st -12th is Aug. 30, 2021. More information to following for the starting schedule of Pre-K and Kindergarten students.
over 3 years ago, Amy Vandergrift
Put this on your calendar
over 3 years ago, Amy Vandergrift
Enroll now