Good Evening,
Please be aware that it appears that our state is currently experiencing an increase of Covid-related cases. As a result, we have received the following information from the State Department of Education:
"When student or staff tests positive for COVID-19:
» Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19, should stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others.
» Students are not allowed to participate in extracurricular activities while in isolation and potentially infectious.
» Day 0 is the first day of symptoms or day tested if asymptomatic.
» Students and staff may return to school if they:
› Stayed home and isolated for at least 5 full days
› Are fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medications)
› Have symptoms that are improving
» It is recommended that a mask be worn days 6-10.
» Individuals who were severely ill or immunocompromised should stay home and isolate for 10 days."
Thank you for adhering to the aforementioned response to Covid-related illnesses, as doing so protects all of us.
Dr. John E. Stallings, Jr., - Superintendent
7th day of 7th grade was a hit! Mr. Mlinarcik, Ms. Andrews, Mr. Hendershot, Mr. Dave, Ms. French, Mrs. Musgrove, Ms. Roberts, Mrs. Tonkery, and Mrs. Williams are making this their best year yet! ❤️🖤 Goooo Knights!
TCMS has limited number of 2023 yearbooks left for sale. If you would like to grab a copy, please see Mrs. Poling or you can email her at
Cost is $40.
September is childhood cancer awareness month. We have had several local families that have been impacted by this terrible disease. One local family has partnered with Alex’s Lemonade Stand and asked us to join them in a million mile challenge. Alex’s lemonade stand is asking that people walk and track their mileage in hopes that everyone participating in the challenge will reach 1 million miles together.
We have registered TCMS to participate in this challenge, every Friday students during homeroom time will go to the track and will walk at least one mile.
As a bonus, for every 47 students registered, Volvo will donate $47 to Alex’s lemonade stand. This money will be used to fund childhood cancer research. With everyone in the school participating, Volvo will donate over $600 in TCMS’s name. On the last Friday of September, we will have a day of giving and students can bring in money and give to their 1st period teacher. All monies collected will be donated to Alex's Lemonade Stand in honor of Gavin Morris.
Don't forget tomorrow is popcorn day! Bring a dollar!
Today we celebrate the 6th day of 6th grade! Mrs. Young, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Shafferman, Mrs. Ojeda, Ms. Feather, Mrs. Hays, and Mr. Davis have had a blast getting to know their 6th graders this year! Gooooo Knights! ❤️🖤
On Thursday, we celebrated the 5th day in 5th grade! Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Criss, Mrs. Poling, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Richards, Ms. Franciosi, Ms. Crites, Mrs. McDaniel, Mrs. Hanberry, and Mr. Scott have all had a great start to their year! Gooooo Knights! ❤️🖤
Starting Wednesday, Sept. 6! PTO will be selling popcorn most Wednesdays! Follow "Taylor County Middle School PTO" Facebook page for more information!
Our athletes from the hill had a great first week of competition.
Our boys XC team with a 1st place victory at Bridgeport, football team with a 40-0 win over Mountaineer Middle, volleyball team won over Notre Dame and tonight our boys soccer team defeated West Fairmont Middle 2-0.
This is a reminder that tomorrow, September 1, 2023, is a Curriculum Development Day for all Taylor County Schools Staff. Students do not attend. All staff, including staff at the central board of education office, will be attending mandatory trainings and may not be able to answer phone calls throughout the day. Please leave a message if you need to contact the schools, and someone will return your call. Thank you.
We are working to improve the parent drop off process, please pull up and utilize the 4 car drop off approach. We ask that you use the same 4 car method during parent pick up. This will alleviate students crossing through the parking lot. Our student safety is our number one priority. Please be patient as we continue to work through this process.
Attention GHS freshman. Your 8th grade yearbook is at TCMS. All prepaid orders can be picked up Tuesday, August 29th and Wednesday, August 30th from 3:30 to 5:30 in the TCMS Commons.
If you have any questions, please email Julie Poling at
We hope everyone had a great 1st day back on the hill. Just a couple of reminders as we move forward with the school year.
We ask that all parents dropping off and pickup up to come in on the Spring Hill side of the middle school not the dollar general side. Using the map, come in on the blue arrow side and leave on the red arrow side and please yield for buses.
We are also asking that you not enter the back parking lot until at least 3:00 as the students will not be released until 3:06 for parent pick up. All parent pickup and drop off must take place at the back of the school. No students will be permitted to be picked up or dropped off in the front.
We hope this traffic pattern and drop off procedure will make it flow easier for our parents and buses. We look forward to a great year and appreciate your assistance.
TygartValley Trail Dogs Caleb Shaver, Isaac Young, Grant Taylor and Silas Horne participated in their First of the season NICA mountain bike races this weekend at Canaan Valley!! We love to see our students succeeding in and out of school! Great job, guys!
We on the hill are ready to welcome our students for the new school year. We know a new year brings excitement as well as nervousness. Our goal is to make their first day very successful. Our teachers will be ready to answer any questions that your child may have as well as making sure they are getting to where they need to go.
A couple of reminders:
Parent drop off is from 7:15-7:45.
Parent pick up will begin at 3:06.
Please pull around to the back of the building for parent drop off and pick up. Front of the building is for buses only.
We want to wish all the other schools in the county a great first day!
Gooooo Knights!
Healthy Grandfamilies Announcement
TCMS had a GREAT Back to School Night on the hill! Thank you to our teachers, custodial staff, secretaries, and everyone in between for making it such a successful night! It is going to be a great year on the hill! Gooooo Knights!!! ❤️🖤
Local event happening today.
"This information is being shared merely for awareness purposes only, as we are neither able to endorse nor discourage affiliation with any particular businesses."
See you on the hill tomorrow! 🖤❤️ 5th grade: 3:30-5
6th-8th grades: 5:30-7
Parents & Students: Plan to pick up your 2022-23 Yearbook at Back to School Night!! 🖤❤️ August 23!! 5th grade is welcomed from 3:30-5 and 6th-8th is welcomed from 5:30-7! See you on the hill!