TCMS wants to recognize all of our first responders and military service personnel on this 21st anniversary of 9/11. Patriot Day celebrates those who run towards the danger, not away from it. You embody what is best about this great nation; honor, courage, selfless service, and a recognition of the our "greater good." God bless you and your families.
Correction to the spirit week post! The football game is Wednesday and Coach Beltner is requesting a blackout at the game on Wednesday versus Buckhannon Upshur Middle.
TCMS Spirit Week kicks off Monday!
The themes for Mon thru Wed are:
Monday wear your favorite sports jersey or team shirt
Tuesday is hat day
Wednesday is color wars: 5th wears red, 6th wears black, 7th wears gray, and 8th wears white
*Thursday is a blackout at the football game
Monday is also our parade. Lineup at 6, parade at 6:30 pm from the DHHR parking lot to the softball field at GHS. Come out and celebrate our Fall Sports teams and show our pride!
Are you interested in learning about U.S. Service academies? Academy Day gives the opportunity for students and parents to ask questions and gather information about U.S. Service Academies.
One key to success is being informed about potential opportunities.
Please see the flyer for dates in our area.
The after school program is returning to TCMS. This year the United Way is taking over programming and have named the program Flipside. If you are interested please follow this link for more information:,as%20access%20to%20other%20artistic%20and%20scientific%20activities.
Good morning parents and students and welcome to the first day. Today will operate as a normal day! We want to meet and welcome your children so today is about engagement, not paperwork. Paperwork will come home Monday 8/29.
Also, bus drop off and pick up is in front, parent drop off and pickup is in back!
Go Knights!
Important Medication Reminders for All Students!
Medications MUST be dropped off at the school by a guardian.
If your child requires a rescue asthma inhaler, Epi-pen, glucagon, insulin, seizure rescue medication, or other emergency medication at school, then the school nurse must receive the medication and the medication order form prior to the first day of the new school year to ensure your child can attend school safely.
Our school does not dispense any over the counter or prescription medications (including ointments, inhalers, oral medications and eye drops) without a current written Medication Order Form from a licensed physician or health care provider.
All physician orders MUST be renewed at the beginning of the school year.
Important Immunization Reminder for 7th & 12th Grade Students!
All students entering 7th grade are required to provide documentation of receiving 1 TDAP and 1 Meningococcal vaccine prior to starting school in August.
All students entering 12th grade are required to provide documentation of receiving 1 TDAP and 2 meningococcal vaccines prior to starting school August. *If a student received their first meningococcal vaccine after turning age 16 then only 1 meningococcal vaccine is required.
Students who do not provide documentation of receiving the required immunizations by the first day of school will not be allowed to attend.
Curious about what’s for lunch on the first day of school tomorrow? Check out each school’s dining menu on the TCS App! Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
Please see the information on the flyer about the Summer P-EBT.
Students and parents from the middle school can attend one of the four academy days and meet with representatives from the military and learn about what they do.
Reminder that this evening is the Taylor County Schools Back To School Fun Fair!
Bus Schedules are now available. You can find them located on the TCS App under Documents -Transportation or from the TCS Website.
Aviation Exploration Opportunity!
The Carl Hopkins Aviation Expo will be taking place on August 19 & 20 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our students have been fortunate to be exposed to the world of aviation and this would be a great opportunity to continue to learn before school begins.
Parents, with just under 3 weeks until we take your kids off your hands we want to make sure you have the following date and times on your calendar. Trying to avoid conflicts with the other schools we have set our TCMS Open House for August 23rd. We are having two sessions that day and will follow the following schedule:
3:30 to 5 pm 5th grade only
6:00 to 7:30 pm 6th through 8th grade
Come out, get schedules, meet your child's teachers, and tour the building. Mr. Hage will do a welcome in the gym at 4 pm for 5th grade and at 6:30 pm for the upper grades.
Christy Miller
August 1, 2022
Dear Families and Students,
Today, Taylor County Schools is opening registration for virtual students in grades 6-12 only for the first semester. As last year, rules have been established for participation. Please review these carefully before completing the form registering your student for participation. The health and safety of all students and staff remains our number one priority.
1. West Virginia Virtual School is the platform we will use.
2. Students with IEPs will be offered virtual school using a different platform to support IEP learning goals and success.
3. Registration opens Monday, Monday, August 1, 2022, closing Monday, August 15, 2022, for the first semester.
4. Friday, September 9, 2022, is the date that we will use as a cutoff and return to face to face instruction if a student or their family finds they are not successful in virtual school in the first semester.
5. Students previously enrolled in virtual school can re-enroll if they passed 3 out of 4 classes last year.
6. Taylor County Middle School students will be offered four core classes and Art the first semester.
7. GHS students will be offered four core classes and two electives from the GHS virtual schools course catalog.
9. Criteria to remain in virtual school:
GHS - At the end of the first 6 weeks you must have 33% of all courses completed.
TCMS - At the end of the first 9 weeks you have 50% of all courses completed.
Students not meeting this criterion will be removed and enrolled for face to face instruction.
10. Certified warning letters will be sent to the homes of students who may be dropped at the end of the first semester if improvement does not occur the week of November 28, 2022.
11. Certified letters will be sent to the homes of students not eligible to participate the second semester January 3, 2022. Students who have had issues with completion and performance will be those that receive these letters.
To register please use the following link:
Taylor County Schools remains committed to the health and safety of our students and staff.
Best regards,
Christy Miller, Superintendent
Taylor County Schools Back To School Fun Fair!
There will be another TCMS 2022 Yearbook pickup on Monday July 18th from 6 to 7:30 pm. please come to the front of the school to pickup.
Summer School is in full swing in Taylor County. Students in grades K-12 are enjoying a variety of creative activities, lessons, and field trips!
Public Forum for possible replacement of Anna Jarvis Elementary will take place Monday, July 18, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at the Taylor County Board Office.