Paying for school items just got easier! School Cash Online is the easy & safe way to pay for your children's school fees. Click below or register at
over 2 years ago, TCS News
School Cash Online
Academy Training Day
over 2 years ago, Taylor County Middle School
Summer School families for elementary students will be contacted on 6/30/22 with bus pick up and drop off times. Middle School families in need of transportation will receive a phone call Thursday or Friday with details.: Grafton High School Summer School: Students and Parents need to sign up for Remind. Remind will be utilized to send important communications such as attendance reminders, or unexpected schedule changes. The code is @ghscred-ss “CR” begins at 7:30 am. Daily attendance, 7:30-12:00 is required! TCMS: Arrive 7:30-8:00 Anna Jarvis: Arrive 7:45-8:00
over 2 years ago, Taylor County Communications
summer school
Taylor County Schools Board Office Summer Hours: 8:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Closed: June 20 & July 4
over 2 years ago, TCS News
summer hourS
If your child is taking High School Honors/AP classes for the 2022-23 school year, that has summer classwork that needs to be completed using a school issued iPad, you may contact Amy Vandergrift at or call (304)816-7102 to set up a time to pick up their device.
over 2 years ago, TCS News
A Printer Friendly version of the 2022-23 Taylor County School calendar is now available on our TCS App and/or website. Check it out!
over 2 years ago, TCS News
Parents and students, we at TCMS hope you have a relaxing and safe summer break! As you de-stress over this summer and organize for next school year, if you come across a library or text books please turn them into the school. There is a fee associated with both that will eventually catch up to you and we want you to avoid that. While these can be turned in to the school this summer, you can also turn it in when you return in the fall. Have a great summer and we will see you in August!
over 2 years ago, Scott Hage
If your student has medication at school, it must be picked up by noon tomorrow or it will be discarded.
over 2 years ago, Taylor County Communications
Our Art students are awesome! -7th grade Advanced Art Clay Fairy Homes -8th grade Advanced Art Plaster Masks -5th grade Clay Masks
over 2 years ago, Taylor County Middle School
over 2 years ago, TCS News
6th grade has been busy designing and building mazes in our STEM lab. Once built, students code our SPHERO robots through the mazes.
over 2 years ago, Melissa Carr
Parents and athletes, free sports physicals are being offered on June 1 and 2 at the Taylor County Health Clinic across form Anna Jarvis Elementary from 3:30 to 4:30. Physical forms are available in the TCMS office.
over 2 years ago, Scott Hage
In our STEM lab our students have been busy with cardboard projects. 7th grade made cardboard chairs that had to hold the teacher for 1 minute! The challenge was they could use ONLY cardboard - no tape, glue, etc. Teams used the Engineering Design Process to Identify the problem, Develop solutions, Create a prototype, Test and evaluate, and think of ways they could redesign.
over 2 years ago, Taylor County Middle School
The last day to order 2021-22 yearbooks is June 3rd! Use the link below to order.
over 2 years ago, Scott Hage
We are excited to see our 5th grade parents tomorrow morning! We are going to do our best to start right at 8:30 so dont be "tardy"!
over 2 years ago, Scott Hage
5th grade award flyer
The TCMS Band Boosters will be selling Beef Raffle tickets by the middle school pavilion on Wednesday 5/18 from 5pm-6:30. Tickets are $5 a ticket or 5 for $20.
over 2 years ago, Scott Hage
“Thank you” to the WVU Extension Office and STEAM TAC for participating in our STEM Night!
over 2 years ago, Taylor County Middle School
Parents, tomorrow we begin the WVGSA. On the dates I previously put out I was very generous with the "window" we would need. This was to account for technical issues or anything else unforeseen that might extend testing longer than expected. If everything goes well, we will test math on Monday, ELA reading Tuesday, and ELA writing Wednesday. This will conclude testing for the 6th and 7th grade except for those that that were absent and will need to makeup a test session. 5th and 8th grade are required to also take a science component on the WVGSA, so we will take a pause on Thursday (8th grade is going to GHS for move-up day) and then conduct the science test on Friday. Testing will be conducted each morning this week according to the above schedule and, for most, will finish before lunch. However, it is an untimed test and some students may work into the afternoon. We will ensure they are provided lunch and with breaks if they are still testing. Please make sure that your student goes to bed at a decent hour tonight and each night this week. Please leave smart devices such as Apple Watches and AirPods at home as they will not be allowed in the testing rooms. Phones will have to be put into lockers or given to the teacher during testing. If your child must leave school, please try to wait until the afternoon as we are testing in the mornings. Go Knights!
over 2 years ago, Scott Hage
Public Forum to discuss possible new Anna Jarvis Elementary. Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at the Taylor County Board of Education Offices.
over 2 years ago, Christy Miller
Taylor County Schools
Join us for our first STEM Night at TCMS on Thursday, May 12th (5:00-6:30 pm). Learn about circuits, robots, and more! Finish up with STEM a little early and head over to GHS for our TCMS band concert at 6:30!
over 2 years ago, Melissa Carr