Straight 1s! Superior rating!! Highest score possible!!! Congratulations to our TCMS combined 7th and 8th grade band on an outstanding performance! Way to represent today at Bridgeport Middle!
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
TCMS Rating!
6th grade Science using catapults to learn about simple machines and energy transfer.
almost 3 years ago, Taylor County Middle School
Our TCMS band prepares for Ratings tomorrow under the driection of Mr Josh Chiado.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
TCMS Band 3
TCMS Band 3
TCMS Band 2
Final reminder that our Spring picture day is tomorrow, March 29th! Order forms were already sent home, but if you need another one please call the office and we will send another home with your student.
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
We have double-checked the calendar and this is a reminder that our quarterly LSIC meeting is tomorrow, March 29th at 4 pm in the library!
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Good luck tomorrow to our Regional Math Field Day contestants who will be traveling to University High School to compete tomorrow, Saturday March 26. The menu for tomorrow for those going includes an $8 offering of a Chick-Fil-A sandwich or 2 slices of pizza with chips and a beverage or a variety of A La Carte items like hotdogs, nachos, or pepperoni rolls for a dollar or two a piece. Full information for the day: Region 7 Math Field Day! Below are some important details regarding the Region 7 Math Field Day event, please read the information carefully. Region 7 Math Field Day Saturday, March 26, 2022 University High School, Morgantown Schedule Overview: Registration 9:00 am - 10:00 am Events 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Awards (approximately) 3:15 pm Regional Math Field Day Information: ● Students should report at 9:00 am ● Testing starts promptly at 10:00 am. If the test has started, no late arrivals will be permitted to take that test (resulting in a zero score for that event). ● Students must remain at University High School at all times during Math Field Day. ● Students may bring a lunch or purchase food. A menu is attached with items that will be available during lunch. Students may buy items individually or purchase a “Meal Deal Ticket” for $8.00 upon arrival. Exact change is not necessary, but will make purchasing items and tickets simpler. Students must eat at University High School. ● Students should bring two sharpened number 2 pencils and a pen. ● Calculators may not be used for any grade level during the Region 7 Math Field Day. ● Parents should wait with students until registration is over and are encouraged to return near 3:00 pm to attend the presentation of awards at approximately 3:15 pm. ● No parents will be permitted in the testing areas. ● If a student is unable to attend, (s)he should notify the county Math Field Day coordinator or coach, so an alternate may participate in their place. ● Telephones and other electronic devices, including smart watches, are not permitted during Math Field Day. Students may be asked to turn them in at the beginning of the event and the items will be returned to the students after all events have been completed. ● The Region 7 Math Field Day staff, volunteers, and participants will follow the host county’s (Monongalia County Schools) Covid guidelines for masking and distancing in place at the time of the event. ● Students who place during the regional event will go on to represent the region during the state Math Field Day. Registration forms for the state Math Field Day will be distributed and collected at the end of the regional event. The 2022 WV State Math Field Day will be held at West Virginia University on April 23, 2022. Region 7: Barbour, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Lewis, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Randolph, Taylor, Tucker, & Upshur Counties
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Congratulations to our TCMS Social Studies contestants as they knocked it out of the park representing us at the WV Regional Social Studies Fair at Glenville State College. Special recognition to the following for placing: 1st Place in US History with his project on Army Engineers was Beckett Stallings 2nd Place in Geography with their project on Pompeii was Kyah Klug and Kinleigh Hutson 2nd Place in Economics with their project Strike It Rich was Alyssa Larry and Lucia Jacquez 2nd Place in US History with their project Women of World War II was Anna Poling and Jaylin Summers 3rd Place in World History with their project Black Beard was Silas Horne, Emari Duckworth, and Adalie Annon 3rd Place in Geography with her project Mushing: Dog Sledding was Lauren Worth
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Reminder for families and students: April 14th - Professional Learning Day - No Students April 15th - OS Day Schools Closed - No Staff or Students
almost 3 years ago, Christy Miller
Taylor County Schools
Good luck to our Social Studies Fair contestants representing TCMS at Glenville State College today!
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Social Studies Fair Team
More from our Art classes: 7th grade Clay Cups/ Mugs, 6th grade Clay Cupcakes and 8th grade Clay Coil Bowls.
almost 3 years ago, Taylor County Middle School
Here are the latest projects coming out of the art room. We have 6th grade Knight Drawings, studying proportions. Then, 7th grade One- point Perspective Collages, 8th grade Illuminated Letters Also, 6th grade Winter Birch Paintings and 5th Grade Pointillism drawings of softballs or baseballs. Next up, 8th Grade Line Environment Paintings, 5th Grade Radial Designs and 7th grade Māori inspired Self- portraits all hanging in the hallways. Fresh from the kiln, we have 5th grade Louis Mailou Jones inspired Clay Masks. Unloading  next firing tomorrow, more to come…
almost 3 years ago, Taylor County Middle School
Reminder!!! Regional Math Field Day is Saturday, March 26th At University High School Students that placed 1st-3rd place are invited to attend. If a students can not attend, please contact Nat Clemm via email,
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
A special thank you to the Rotary Club for their generous donation of $2,000 worth of books to the TCMS library! If you would like to read more about this, read the latest issue of the Mountain Statesman and their article on this!!!
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
TCMS Rotary Books
We apologize, our LSIC is scheduled for Tuesday March 29th at 4 pm (two weeks from today)! So this is a reminder to add it to your calendar!
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
As scheduled at our last LSIC meeting, today at 4 pm is our next quarterly LSIC meeting in the library at TCMS. Hope to see you there!
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
Due to staffing concerns, on Thursday, March 17, Taylor County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay.
almost 3 years ago, Taylor County Communications
For our students participating it the Social Studies Fair today, March 10th please remember the following: • Set up is 5:15 til 5:45 pm • Enter through the front doors into the commons area and go to the gym • Parents can help carry projects in, but students must set them up • Judging starts at 6 pm • Good luck!
almost 3 years ago, Scott Hage
What’s happening at TCMS? Today 6th graders in Mr. Davis’ Social Studies class collaborated with Mrs. Conti, our librarian, to learn proper research strategies. They will use these strategies when researching for their WWI projects.
almost 3 years ago, Taylor County Middle School
We have had a busy week in our STEM Lab. We started our week with a visit from Angie McDaniel from STEAM TAC and designed Hydraulic Claws. From there, 6th grade created wind powered cars and held a race. 7th grade designed and created Mars landers and tested them to see if they would be effective. 8th grade started their unit on bridges.
almost 3 years ago, Melissa Carr
 Hydraulic Claw
 Mars Lander
 Hydraulic Claw
 Wind Powered Car