The auditorium will be sprayed for pests and bugs Monday, Oct 9th after school hours.
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Waters
Introducing your Mid Mountain Athletic Conference CHAMPIONS!!!! Gooooooo Knights!!!!
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Waters
Introducing your Mid Mountain Athletic Conference CHAMPIONS!!!! Gooooooo Knights!!!!
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Waters
🩷 Together we can make a difference 🩷
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Waters
Reminder: Friday, October 6th is a Professional Learning Day for all TCS Staff. No school for students.
over 1 year ago, TCS News
Unfortunately, due to volunteer illness we will not be able to do our popcorn fundraiser tomorrow Oct 4. - TCMS PTO
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Waters
Just a reminder Thursday is our XC conference meet at West Taylor elementary. Due to it being a conference championship meet, cost to enter will be $5 for all guest including students. Girls run at 5pm and boys will run at 5:30. Heavenly Hoagies and Wonder Bubble will be there as well.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Moore
Due to this being a conference meet for XC, everyone must pay $5.00 at the gate on Thursday. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Autumn Young
TCMS VS CPMS Attendance War Every day during the month of October, we will be doing a daily attendance war vs Central Preston. Losing school admin will have to wear the other school's colors for a day.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Moore
Hello Knights, I want to thank everyone for his or her patience, cooperation, and practice of the smooth process currently in place with regard to our evening parent pick up of our students.  We realize the changes made at the beginning of this school year may have been difficult for some, and we appreciate everyone’s help with that needed change. Our primary goal at TCMS is that our students and staff are safe. This is true both while attending classes and activities as well as while coming to and or leaving our campus. As we continue to try to discover the most appropriate process for departure from our campus, we are hoping that everyone can appreciate the need to keep our parking lots free of congestion in the event of an emergency that would require access in and out of those lanes to our facility by first responders. Therefore, we are asking that anyone wishing to pick up a student at dismissal time, please refrain from entering the rear drive parking area until the 3:00 p.m. dismissal bell.  At that time, those who are lined up beginning at our entrance gate will be afforded the opportunity to start the flow to our rear drop off/pick up area. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance with this process.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Moore
All Taylor County children 4 and under are invited to participate in the Falliday event. We hope to see you there! Four food trucks will be parked nearby with food available for purchase.
over 1 year ago, TCS News
Tomorrow is Blue and Gold Day! Join us to celebrate the GHS Golf Team that qualified to go to the State Golf Championship in Wheeling. The team will be visiting all the schools on Friday to be recognized prior to the golf match next week.
over 1 year ago, James Kirkpatrick
Gold and Blue Day
Oct. 20th from 5:30-6:30 will be TCMS' Medieval Knights Halloween 👻 If you are interested in donating pre-packaged bag of candy for this event, please drop it off anytime between now and Oct. 19th. 🎃
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Waters
Guardians & Students: Have you recently signed into ROOMS and are still not receiving notifications? Try these steps! If you havent received information about how to access your child's Rooms account, reach out to his/her teacher for information. You can find even more information at:
over 1 year ago, TCS News
Bus Change Announcement: Bus #73 TCMS/GHS Students will be transported home on Bus #24 & 25 today. Wendel Road TCMS/GHS students will be transported home on Bus#59 today. For questions or concerns, please contact the bus garage at (304)265-0518
over 1 year ago, TCS News
Fall may be officially here, but we're still reminiscing about summer at TCMS Art.
over 1 year ago, Jesse Foster
Palm Tree
Ocean Life
Sea Turtles
TCMS Band & Choir showing off during the parade last night and during our pep rally today! We love our Band & Choir! ❤️🖤 Gooooo Knights!
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Waters
Back by popular demand! Leonard's Lunch Time Trivia sponsored by Leonard's Grill This Friday on the hill we will have our first lunch time trivia for a chance to win a coupon to use at Leonard's Grill.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Moore
Congratulations to our employee of the month for the month of August. Ms. Megan Andrews Congratulations Ms. Andrews and we hope you have the best year on the hill.
over 1 year ago, Mr. Moore
Congratulations to our student of the months for the month of August. Kenlee Fowler Isaac Curry Jonah Poling Tessa Renner Carter Gillespie Aiden Erdie Alexis Mlinarcik Rosie Meadows #onthehill
over 1 year ago, Mr. Moore